A message from our Secondary Director

Rebecca Hickey

What we do changes lives, and being part of the Federation, you will help drive education forward and play a vital role in empowering young people.

You will enjoy working with like-minded and dynamic individuals who have positive solution-focused attitudes. Every day you will learn something new from your colleagues and be exposed to new ideas, innovations, and methodologies that will inspire you. Our commitment to professional growth and development means that you will have every opportunity to thrive. 

Bring your enthusiasm and passion for your specialism, and you'll find the joy you share with your students and colleagues will create a fulfilling and enriching environment that keeps on giving. 

I've had some of the most extraordinary, exciting, and joyful opportunities since being part of the Federation, and I look forward to offering you a similarly rewarding experience.

Rebecca Hickey, Secondary Director

About secondary education at Harris

Our vision

We are committed to providing the best possible outcomes for our young people, regardless of their starting point. Our vision is rooted in a deep belief in the transformative power of education where every child deserves an equal opportunity to thrive, and it is our mission to ensure that they receive the very best support, tailored to their unique needs.

We champion the needs of our disadvantaged students, recognising that through no fault of their own, they've faced more barriers to a high-quality education compared to their peers. By working in some of the most challenging areas of London, we are bridging these gaps, providing the extra support and opportunities needed to level the playing field and empower these students to reach their full potential. We are dedicated to creating an environment where every young person can succeed, and where every student's journey is valued and supported.


Our academies

Our academies are at the forefront of modern education, embracing a student-centred approach that harnesses the power of expert teaching to provide an exceptional learning experience. 

Working across 13 boroughs, we have established ourselves as leaders in education across London. Our unwavering commitment to excellence has consistently delivered outstanding results for the young people in our academies. 


How we work together

Our Principals enjoy autonomy in the leadership of their respective academies, enabling them to maintain a culture that aligns with the needs of the students, staff, and communities they work with, and allowing them to address the distinctive challenges and opportunities at a local level. 

However, collaboration is a core component of our success, and no academy works in isolation. We are committed to sharing best practices and ideas so successful approaches in one academy can inspire and benefit others. By fostering an environment of openness and shared learning, we continuously improve the quality of education offered to all our students. 

To further enhance collaboration, we've implemented a quadrant system, organising our academies into smaller, more interconnected groups. This structure facilitates the exchange of ideas, resources, and support, and creates a sense of community in each quadrant that transcends individual academies. 

Our students are nothing short of remarkable. They work hard and aspire to be the best that they can be. 

They go on to embark on brilliant careers, making a lasting impact on the world, armed with the knowledge, skills, and exceptional qualities they've honed during their time with us. Our alumni are shining examples of the bright future that education can help shape, and we couldn't be prouder of their accomplishments.

We asked some of the staff at Harris Academy Chafford Hundred to explain why their students are so incredible. 

Career progression and development

Every member of staff has unique strengths and potential, and we are keen to ensure that we tailor our development offering so everyone is provided with the right opportunities and challenges to flourish in their career with us.


National Professional Qualifications (NPQs)

We will support you to complete NPQs through the National Institute of Teaching, allowing you to continuously develop your skills, knowledge, and leadership abilities. This commitment to ongoing learning will empower you to stay at the forefront of education and to progress your career. 



We are proud to have some of the best teachers in the country working across the Federation, and we are excited to be able to utilise their expertise to develop future leaders in education. 

Whether you are a new teacher looking to refine your classroom skills or come to us with several years experience but wanting to explore new pedagogical approaches, there will be someone who can help you to excel.


Accelerated Principal Programme

For individuals who demonstrate exceptional leadership potential, we offer a fast-track programme of development designed for staff who we identify as being ready to step up into a Head of Academy role within the next 12-18 months. By providing expert training, we ensure that our most promising senior leaders are given all the tools they need to succeed.

I've been really lucky to have the opportunity to work in three amazing Harris academies. I love working for Harris and wouldn't want to work anywhere else because the same level of support and knowledge would be hard to get in other places. They're a great multi-academy trust and a beacon to show other trusts how it should be done. 

Melvin, Vice Principal - Harris Science Academy East London

How we lead the way in education

Education is a powerful tool for social change. We are dedicated to breaking barriers, developing new approaches, and continuing to transform lives through education. 



Our team of over 70 Consultants is a testament to our commitment to educational excellence. Being subject specialists and experts in teaching and learning, they play a pivotal role in building capacity within our departments. Their roles are multifaceted, but they are particularly impactful in their coaching and mentoring of staff by providing tailored guidance that not only enhances individual skills but also elevates the collective expertise across the Federation. 


Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)

We aspire to orientate our students as global citizens, encouraging them to think beyond geographical boundaries. Our curriculum aims to prepare students to navigate an interconnected world with empathy, understanding, and respect for different cultures. Through initiatives that emphasise unity, we create an inclusive environment that reflects the strength found in embracing diversity.

We are committed to being at the forefront of EDI and are driven by research that informs our practice and ensures that we develop equality across the curriculum. This research-led approach pushes us to remain as objective as possible, and we've been excited by our recent findings that could have large-scale impact on future EDI implementation in education.


Technology innovations

We're proud to embrace a culture of innovation and are pioneers in shaping the future of education. Our staff and students recently participated in a national hackathon which delved into the transformative possibilities of AI in education. Their collective efforts yielded fascinating findings, particularly in areas that have the potential to directly impact teacher's workload, and therefore promote the wellbeing of teachers too, which we consider to be of paramount importance. Our optimistic approach is geared towards identifying ways that these innovations can be used safely and ethically to benefit both students and staff. 



It is a privilege to be part of an organisation that puts the needs of the children first and believes passionately in the importance of social mobility. 

Gizle, Principal - Harris Academy Bermondsey