
Maths Teacher


What has your ECT experience been like so far?

I’ve had the chance to learn and develop over the last year which is mainly due to the support systems we have in place from mentors and other members of the department, and across the school. My focus is now looking at how I can improve my practice, and having that wide support network there that I can go to is really valuable. 


What have been the highlights of being an ECT?

A highlight for me has been being able to build those relationships with the pupils to the point where I don’t have to repeat my expectations to them, they know what I expect through consistency. I have also got to know them and what to expect from them which makes being in the classroom so much more enjoyable, as well as being able to create that environment for learning which I feel like I have now built with all my classes. 


What would you say to someone considering an ECT role at the Harris Federation?

Alongside the ECT work that we do, we also have professional studies which is an add on for ECTs and Trainee Teachers which gives us a bit more support. At Willesden, it is run by the Head of Humanities who is amazing and so knowledgeable about teaching and learning, so can always give that little bit of extra help whether that be something to do with expectations and behaviour or pedagogy.

Within the whole Harris network, we have opportunities to meet with ECTs at conference days, and this year my entire CPD workshop was with ECT2s and Maths which means you get to meet people at the same stage of their career as you, the same subject, and likely have faced the same challenges and successes as you so it is very mutually beneficial.  


What are your favourite things about working at Harris Lowe Academy Willesden?

The students are so keen to learn, and from seeing them so often you really get their trust and you get to give that knowledge to them so much more efficiently than you would otherwise. In Maths, we get to work with a great head of department which I'm sure is the same across the rest of the school's departments. The support is always there including shared resources and support from Consultants who are real experts in their field, and they can help you with resources or how you can structure your lesson.


What do you love about being a Maths Teacher?

The best thing about being a Maths Teacher is seeing that lightbulb moment with pupils at all stages. I teach a top set Year 10 class and they will get that lightbulb moment really quickly and that is great because you can move on quickly and get a good pace to your lesson. With some other classes it can take a bit longer, but we are really persistent in getting a pupil to understand something and when it finally happens, it makes all the effort worth it.